
How to clean the accessories of Heshan office chair

2020-05-12 1103

1: First of all, it is necessary to understand the material of office chair accessories, but generally office chair feet are mainly made of solid wood and iron. The stool surface is made of leather or cloth. The cleaning methods of chairs with different materials are different when cleaning.

2: If it's leather art office chair accessories, try it in an inconspicuous position when using leather art cleaner to see if it fades. If there is discoloration, dilute with water; when it is extremely dirty, use lukewarm water to let it dry naturally.

3: The foot of solid wood office chair can be directly wiped with a dry cloth, and then applied with some detergent. Don't wipe it with a too wet cloth, and then exposed to the sun to dry, which will accelerate the decay of solid wood interior.

4: General cloth stool cleaning method is spray detergent, quietly wipe. If it is especially dirty, it can be cleaned with warm water and detergent. Don't brush at will. In that case, the fabric is simple and looks old.

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