
Wheel disassembly method of Heshan office chair accessories

2020-05-12 956

Step 1 - align the chair and remove its base

Work the swivel chair on a flat surface and make sure it is in a horizontal orientation. Remove the fastening clip at the bottom of the seat and then take off the base. If you fix the base of the bolt or nut, you can use a suitable wrench to loosen and remove it.

Step 2 - view indoor seats

Look inside to see if the chair is damaged or damaged, or if it needs to be replaced. In case of other damaged parts other than gas cylinder, ensure to replace with correct replacement. Refer to the manufacturer's Manual for proper replacement parts.

Step 3 - delete existing cylinder

Put the cylinder tongs on, open it, and release the cylinder until it simply drops. Please take care not to pull it forcibly, otherwise it may damage the chair with other parts.

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